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01.16.2005 - 9:22 am

We went out to dinner on Friday night with Cindy, Dennis, and Angela--an ex-Borders outing, if you will. While walking through Old Town, my throat started itching. Through dinner this was compounded by drippy nose. By the time we got back to Cindy's, my eyes were itching like mad and I finally gave the "please let's go home now" signal at about 12:30 when I could no longer breathe.

I woke up the next day with dizziness, backache, stuffy nose and painfully wretched throat. Spent whole day immobilized on bed/couch watching movies. Missed my cousin Mike's surprise birthday party (sorry little dude) and Appleseed with the Fools. I just hope I'm not a big snotty mess during Arcade Fire tonight.


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